
“One Christmas” is now “Christmas Angels”

I wish I could go back in time and do the eighth grade over again. It was the hardest grade for me, but I’ve learned through decades of experience that plodding through the hard things is much more rewarding than living on Easy Street. Today I’m not as averse to difficulty as I was when I was fourteen, so I think I’d have a much better time of it the second time around.

If I could do eighth grade over again, I’d study Shakespeare as every aspiring writer should…maybe even fall in love with the works of Louisa May Alcott when it wasn’t a hip and cool thing to do. (Not that I was ever hip and cool.) I would learn patience when preparing cheese sauce in home economics instead of turning up the heat, burning both the sauce and the pot. I’d spend more of my allowance on Clearasil and less of it on vinyl 45s. If I could do the eighth grade over again, I swear I wouldn’t be such a pain in the ass for my poor mother. She was a great mom and fortunately, I figured that out eventually.

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